However, admins have the means to troubleshoot issues quickly and effectively, ensuring the smooth flow of network traffic. Alternatively, network connection settings could also cause complications for an entire network. Network design flaws could render servers unable to process the volume of data flowing through the system while users’ tendency to misuse of data packages allotted to them can have similar impact on network traffic. Digital bottlenecks could occur when multiple users try to use a single server. However, network speeds can also be adversely affected by internal factors other than those mentioned. Now there are a variety of reasons for slow Internet speeds, the most common of which are viruses and poor cabling. Problems like these can result in decreased productivity and ultimately revenue decline. Monitor Cisco NetFlow, Juniper J-Flow, sFlow, Huawei NetStream, and IPFIX flow data identifying the applications and protocols consuming the most bandwidth.Is your organization suffering from slow Internet connection? Your Internet service provider has assured you that you are enjoying high Internet speed but you find your workers having to contend with slow page loading times, poor video and audio calls and downloads that take forever to complete. Combine NTA with Network Configuration Manager (NCM) to show traffic conversations by policy in the context of the NCM Policy Details page. Work seamlessly with Orion Platform products, including Network Performance Monitor and Network Configuration Manager. Faster troubleshooting, increased efficiency, and greater visibility into malicious or malformed traffic flows with NetFlow analyzer insights. Monitor your network, discover traffic patterns, and avoid bandwidth hogs with NetFlow Traffic Analyzer (NTA) and User Device Tracker NetFlow solutions.

Add NetFlow Traffic Analyzer to Network Performance Monitor to boost your NetFlow monitoring capabilities.

NetFlow analysis and bandwidth monitoring shouldn’t be hard. NetFlow analyzer and bandwidth monitoring software. About SolarWinds NetFlow Traffic Analyzer