Download Now! This has always been a node version manager, not an io.js manager, so there is no back-support for io.js. Tl dr Similar (not identical) to nvm, but for Windows. Manage multiple installations of node.js on a Windows computer. Details are listed in the Why another version manager? and what's the big difference? sections. This project uses an entirely different philosophy and is not just a clone of nvm. The original nvm is a completely separate project for Mac/Linux only. The npm/ Microsoft/Google recommended Node.js version manager for Windows. If you have two users on one PC that wants to use nvm then you must make some workaround for the symbolic link under program files.Content and all rights reserved to /coreybutler/nvm-windows NODE_ENV=%NVM_SYMLINK% and refreshenv Using nvm for multiple users You might also need to set environment variable (for Express?): I'll have to test that on another occation. Well it seems like installation of nvm must be done to the default paths, since in the setup on my PC -g installs still ends up in a common place.

If not you need to add %ProgramFiles%\nodejs to %path%

cordova) are installed in %ProgramFiles%\nodejs, which might not be the path you chose for node. You need to npm install -g (globally install js libs into each of the nodejs versions you are using) e.g.